Geometry in sport.

Every day we can observe that everything that surrounds us has different measures.

If we focus on sport, we can see that a basketball court is not the same as a football field or a boxing ring.

In addition to spaces, it is also used in plays. For example, in a football match, a player uses the angles to know how he is going to shoot, for example in a corner or throw-in.

The same happens also in basketball, which even unconsciously, are used in shooting strategies in which the angles are taken into account to throw the ball into a basket.

I would like to talk about Matt Stevens. that reveals the application of geometry in his images. 
In addition to showing us how circles, triangles, squares, rectangles and lines integrate the figure of a human body, it also reveals the relationship between geometry and sport.

In his work Geometry of Sport, Stevens illustrates a few athletes from different disciplines and implicitly refers to how the elements, accessories, the sports courts, the marks on the ground, the strategies of the plays, in everything, the geometry is infiltrated.

Resultado de imagen de geometry of sport steven
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Resultado de imagen de geometry of sport steven
Resultado de imagen de geometry of sport steven

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