Holy Week

In this last entry of my blog, I would like to talk about Holy Week, a popular festivity in which I participate since I was a child.
It is one of the most popular festivity in Spain and especially in Andalusia, where we live it with more intensity.
As in most of everything that surrounds us, geometry is also present in Holy Week, however strange it may seem.
As we already know, at Holy Week there are thrones on the streets that represent different moments of the passion of Christ, accompanied in most of the times by the Virgin Mary.
As for the geometry we find several objects that are governed by geometric figures of which we could highlight:
  • Capirote:
The capirote is the outfit worn by the Nazarene brothers of the different brotherhoods on their heads. As we see in the image, it has a conical shape. Each brotherhood covers the capirote with the coverros of the color of the brotherhood, in this case purple color.

It is an outfit in sign of penance.

  • Candle: The candle is what the Nazarenes carry, they are usually dark colors in the steps of Mystery (or Christ) and light color in the steps of Palio (or Virgin). As we see in the image, it has a cylinder shape. In addition we can find the candles in the steps of Christ and Virgin.

  • Medals: Third, we talk about the corporate medals of the brotherhoods. Each brotherhood has its own medal and in them, we can also find geometrical figures, for example, here I show you the medal of the Cautivo (Málaga) which has oval form.

  • Costal: Fabric that bears the costalero to carry the throne, has two parts a more resistant sack cloth and a part of cloth. The sack must always go with the aforementioned blood sausage. As we see, it has a rectangle shape.
  • Standard of the Brotherhood: It is one of the most important badges within the Brotherhood.
Long poles: These are the silver objects that hold the roof of the canopy. They are cylindrical and are usually made of silver and made by goldsmiths.

  • Cruz: We can meet the crosses of Christ, whether crucified Christ or carrying the Cross to Calvary, in this photo we see a Nazarene Jesus carrying the cross This is the Nazarene of "Los moraos", Alhaurín de la Torre, my brotherhood.


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